Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shooting Around

We took that new flash to the park!  A little temperamental, but fun none the less.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Evening Out

Some friends of ours invited us out to dinner.  The restaurant actually sits on piles out in the water (concrete columns).  You walk across a bridge of sorts from the bank out to the restaurant.  Very cool.  They specialize in sea food but it all tasted good.

Here's my angel.  I sure love her.

We were able to watch the sun set out over the water.  So beautiful.

Our friends and hosts for the evening.  We love you guys!

And this is what we came home to.  It sure was a wonderful evening.

New Flash!!!

I got a new flash!!!  It's not quite as reliable as my main flash but it opens up lots of lighting possibilities!  Like back lighting Daisy!  Check it out!  This was me just messing around in the living room.  You may wonder why she's always so willing to sit for photos (or stand as may be).


It's because I bribe her.  I put a Little Mermaid pez dispenser in my hot-shoe (place where the flash goes).  I stole the idea, but I love it.  My daughter is always asking to do photo shoots.  ;)

Monday, July 2, 2012