Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome Tiny

We have a new photo subject in the house!  Welcome Tiny!  We're so glad you could make it!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Summer Afternoon

Pictures from a summer afternoon get together with some friends.

The Fourth

For the Fourth of July we went camping up Mount Diablo.  It was a...wait for it...lot of fun.  We had cousins there too, awesome!  The kids got properly dirty.  And properly tuckered out.

Making breakfast!

This is at the visitor center on the top of the mountain.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fish's Birthday

So here's how it went down:

"Ok, lets try this birthday cupcake thingy here..."

"Yeah, ok, let's move on to the real deal, the chocolate covered cakeball!"

"What the...?"

"Where's my cake ball, yo?!"

"Can you hook a brother up?  I need more cake ball."

"That's the ticket!"

"Ok, just got to get this stick down the hole."

Mom looks on in amusement.

Blessing Trip

In April we got to go visit family.  Brother was moving out to Texas so it'd be a little while till we saw him again.  On the other side of the family we had a few baby blessings so we didn't want to miss that.

Like always, we had a lot of fun.

Cousins had a trampoline, motorized kid rides, and chickens.  Is this heaven?  No, it's Utah.

Phelps was playing with his string powered helicopter and he got a blade right between the eyes.  He took it pretty good.  We were really glad it wasn't worse.