Thursday, January 16, 2014

Toast and Mental Disorder

Yes, they're related and not just because you'd have to be mental to pay $4 for a piece of toast.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas in Utah

Had to get some snow, so we trekked to Utah!  Just a few days before they'd finally received some snow.  It was pretty warm (relatively) while we were there.  The first day, the snow was the best.

Fish with Momma.  Daisy's snow fort.

Some of the Texans showed up!  Yay!

I think Tiny is getting ready to teeth.  Maybe the cold stone of the countertop feels good...or he just wants to chew everything he can get into his mouth.

Puddin' and I went out to take pictures cuz the light looked cool.  To our right wasn't a gorgeous sunset, but an orange semi.  Nice light though.

Christmas Pagent time!  The kids didn't last too long but we got them into costumes and we got through Luke 2.  We did a bunch of singing which was nice.

Christmas Morning!!!  I know it looks the same as the night before.  It's not my fault.  The room is lit by the same lights at the dark of night and the dark of morning.

The other Texans touched base via Skype!  It was good to see them!  Skype is hard in a room full of loud people.

The other side of the family at Sister's new house.  What a pile of kids.  Notice Tiny is screaming his head off.

Phelps getting bigger and bigger.

He's mad because he wants to take a picture.

Some of the Bro-in-Laws.  One of them actually is studying law...

Messing around with the ring flash some more.

The second one is the ring flash with my Holga lens.  Interesting.  The Holga lens is a toy lens on a serious camera.  It need lots of light though.  It's like it's stuck at a f8 or f16.

This is over at Woody's house.  It was nice and a lot of fun.

Brothers wrestle, it's what we do.  Even though we're grown up now.

And for New Years we lit some fireworks (totally and completely illegal were we live in California, #notoneofthethingsillmiss).

Messing around with long exposures.